



The importance of the media in an information society does not need to be discussed in detail. A minority and its language are particularly affected by shortcomings in this sector. Media products from Croatia cannot be easily adopted due to linguistic differences. Due to decades of inadequate provision and in any case also due to deficiencies in the education system, very many members of the ethnic group have “forgotten” how to read (and also write) in Croatian or have not learned it properly at all, which is another problem, especially in connection with print media. Due to the small print runs, production costs are relatively high and the respective publishers are always dependent on public funding.



In the area of print media, the Burgenland Croats have the following periodicals:

Hrvatske Novine / Croatian Weekly Newspaper: The publisher is the Croatian Press Association. The newspaper is published every Friday on 16 to 28 pages. Most of the articles are in Burgenland Croatian, but there are also regular articles in standard Croatian. The reporting focuses on the situation and problems of the Burgenland Croats, but also regularly deals with other ethnic groups in Austria and other countries.


Crikveni Glasnik/ Croatian Church Newspaper, published by the Diocese of Eisenstadt, Pastoral Office, Croatian Section, appears weekly on 8 pages, occasionally also in double issues in color print. The editor-in-chief is the head of the Croatian section of the Pastoral Office of the Diocese of Eisenstadt, there are two other editorial staff members and countless volunteers. The “Glasnik” (Messenger) is the Croatian communication and information organ of the Diocese of Eisenstadt.


Glasilo: Organ of the Hrvatsko Kulturno Društvo/Croatian Cultural Association, published quarterly on 12 to 20 pages, in color print. It is written and edited by the members of the board of the Croatian Cultural Association. It reports on events in the Croatian and mixed-language villages, on the concerns and problems of the ethnic groups in Austria and Europe as well as on the various activities of the Cultural Association and other ethnic group organizations.


Novi Glas (The New Voice): Journal of the HAK/Croatian Academic Club, published quarterly in variable volume . Subject areas: Minority politics in general and specifically related to the Burgenland Croats, Croatian literature, student and youth topics, socio-political and cultural content. Languages: Burgenland Croatian, Croatian, German, English (occasionally). In the meantime, there is an expanded online version that contains more articles, podcasts and videos. Only some of the articles are still printed.

Put (Der Weg) – discontinued: Association magazine of the HGKD, the Croatian Cultural Association in Vienna. Published bi-monthly on approx. 40 pages. Editors: Board members of the cultural association. Topics: Minority politics, culture, reports from the Burgenland-Croatian scene in Vienna, fiction.

Gradišće Kalendar (Burgenland Calendar): Published by the Croatian Press Association, appears once a year at the beginning of each year. The issues comprise around 300 pages in A-5 format. Contents: Calendar, literature and fiction, history, biographies, linguistic and social science articles.

Panonska ljetna knjiga (Pannonian Yearbook): Published by the Pannonian Institute, appears annually on approx. 500 pages. The editor is the chairman of the Pannonian Institute. Contents: Articles on important historical events and anniversaries, texts on exhibitions, articles on the peoples and ethnic groups in the Pannonian region.



Radio programmes in Croatian have been broadcast on ORF since 1979. The broadcasting programme has been continuously expanded. The programme schedule includes news, magazines on culture, children and youth, music programmes and religious programmes. The most popular programme is the wish concert “Časak radosti”, where congratulations can also be sent.


Daily 2 and 11 minute journal, 30 minute programmes,
26-minute magazine programme on Mondays;
Wednesdays (every second week) 2 hours of music (since 1 January 2024)

There is only one Croatian programme on television “Dobar dan, Hrvati (Good day, Croats)”. The programme is broadcast on Sundays at around 13:35 to 14:05 on the regional programme of ORF 2. The programme has existed since 1989 and provides information about events and news. The programmes are produced by the Croatian editorial team at the Eisenstadt regional studio.

Since September 2023, the programme “Wir / mi” (We / mi) has been broadcast every other week on ORF 2 throughout Austria by all the autochthonous ethnic groups in Austria. The programme is presented in German with contributions in the languages of the ethnic groups or in German. There is the option of subtitling. This programme is repeated on ORF III.

The programme can also be viewed on the Internet for a further 7 days.




The station of the Multilingual Open Radio (MORA) can be received in the district of Oberpullendorf or online. The programme is broadcast in German, Croatian, Hungarian and Romani. The programme in Croatian includes e.g. the CMC – Toplist, “Na osminku u osmi”, “Hrvatsku uru”, MEMO etc.



In addition to their websites, most clubs are also represented on social media. The YouTube presence has also been greatly expanded in recent years. Most of the content is created for children and young people or events are replayed.

Novi extended online version of the Novi Glas of the Croatian Academic Club. It also offers podcasts in German and Croatian. HKD platform for streaming Croatian audio files, podcasts and audio books on various platforms (Spotify, …).

Centar.melange i Podcasts and audio recordings are produced by the Croatian Centre in Vienna. Centar.melange” (weekly) features interviews with people from the Croatian community who talk about their lives and activities.

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